Long Description: How do you learn to think? How do you teach others to think rather
than imitate? How do you adapt in the face of constant change? How
do you innovate when existing methods don’t seem to be enough?
Dr. Mikel J. Harry was the co-creator and principal architect of Six
Sigma, considered one of the top 10 management innovations of the
last 150 years. Before his death in 2017
Dr. Harry had taken Six
Sigma beyond its beginnings in quality control and cost reduction
into a focus on Values, human achievement, relationships, thought
leadership, and the innovative development of big ideas.
Alan M. Leduc was Dr. Harry’s student, protégé, research partner,
and friend. Leduc wrote Learning to Think … Leadership to
open Dr. Harry’s complete toolbox to Anyone who wants
to think like a leader. In writing this book, Leduc had many pages
of personal notes from his work with Harry and access to Harry’s
personal archives and published material.
Learning to Think … Leadership provides a recipe for Breakthrough Thinking and adds the ingredients
of Big Ideas that will allow you to enhance the recipe.
Understanding Breakthrough Thinking and Big Ideas provides a pathway
to being able to create recipes that are not in the cookbook.
Jacques Nasser, former CEO of Ford Motor Company, once said to Dr.
Harry, "If you could just teach us how you think…." Learning to
Think ... Leadership does just that.
This book is built on the DNA of Six Sigma and provides a pathway
for learning to think like a leader. Charts help you understand the
acronyms of Six Sigma. Regardless of your age, technical expertise,
or your position in life, this book will show you how to change your
thinking from ordinary to extraordinary in both your personal life
and your professional life.